Armin Linke / Renato Rinaldi /
Piero Zanini
Fragments of an Analysis of the Alps
work in progress
23 June – 5 August 2007 |
Linke, Grand Dixance Dam,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 1998. Courtesy Galerie Klosterfelde,
Linke, EPFL, École
Polytechnique, Alps model, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2001.
Courtesy Galerie Kosterfelde, Berlin
Friday, 22 June 2007, 7 pm
Exhibition to be opened by Dr. Nikolaus Duregger, Office of the Tyrolean Provincial Government, Department for Culture
Armin Linke will speak about the project |
In Fragements of an Analysis of the Alps Armin Linke, Renato Rinaldi and Piero Zanini present various results of their Alpi project as well as the video Alpine Resorts.
is a film ’in progess’ which the artists started several
years ago and have not completed yet. In a three-part video
installation they give a present-day picture of the Alps – as a
European cliché but also as a complex, anthropological space.
Alpi is an installation-essay which deals with the issues of economic,
social, cultural, landscape and climatic changes, referring to the
alpine region but also addressing the more far-reaching implications.
“The Alps are not only the largest natural ecological system on
the European continent, they also represent the continent’s major
reserve of biodiversity. The original image of the Alps as a pure and
undisturbed location in perfect harmony with nature began to fuse with
other important images during the course of the 19th century: the
notion of the Alps as a place of relaxation and diversion; the Alps as
a pleasure park, the ’playground of Europe’, initially the
preferred destination of a small and exclusive elite, but then –
from the seond half of the 20th century onwards – increasingly a
location for ’every-man and woman.’
Alpine tourists from all parts of the world are taken by a top-modern
train to the lofty height of 300 meters on the Jungfrau Mountain in
Switzerland. On this towering peak, not only an absolutely breathtaking
panorama view but also a restaurant with the name Bollywood awaits
them. The name refers to the flourishing Indian film industry that
often uses the Alps as a location for cinema films and music
videos.“ (Linke/Rinaldi/Zanini)
Another video with the title Alpine Resorts
explores the relation between the Alps and the world, e.g., between
Davos and Dubai. “Davos has been a famous resort for many decades
and thus also promises to have a ’curative’ effect in
economic and political sector as the site of the World Economic Forum
where high-level deliberations take place on the state of the world and
the treatment it needs. By contrast, an ’Alpine Resort’ was
recently created out of nothing in the middle of the desert − in
essence, a skiing palace where in a very foreign climate the pleasures
of winter sports are to be accessible to everyone, even if as an
expensive consumer-oriented experience.“ (Linke / Rinaldi /
Linke and Zanini are both the authors of Alpi, with Linke being responsible for the camera work and Zanini for the script, while Rinaldi is responsible for the sound.
Armin Linke lives and works in Milan, Piero Zanini lives and works in Trient, Renato Rinaldi lives and works in Udine.
Thanks to
Italian Culture Institute Innsbruck

Bag Edition
Design and production: Michelle Schmollgruber
Friday, 22 June 2007
as part of the opening Ernst Trawöger Ockham versus Buridan
and Armin Linke / Renato Rinaldi / Piero
Zanini Fragements of an Analysis of the Alps
Designer Michelle Schmollgruber has produced a collection of bags for
the Galerie im Taxispalais, using the plastic banners that have
announced the exhibitions of the Galerie. The one-of-a-kind bags are available in a limited edition.
Michelle Schmollgruber lives and works in Innsbruck.
im Taxispalais Maria-Theresien-Str. 45 A-6020 Innsbruck
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 11-18, Do 11-20 Uhr LeseRAUM:
Di-So 11-18, Do 11-20 Uhr
T +43/512/508-3172, -3173 F 508-3175 taxis.galerie@tirol.gv.at |