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Growth and Development
January 31 –
March 14, 2004 |
Florian Pumhösl, "Village, Museum", 2002-4, Courtesy: Galerie Krobath Wimmer, Vienna |
Florian Pumhösl, "Village, Museum", 2002-4, installation view,
Courtesy: Galerie Krobath Wimmer, Vienna. Picture: Rainer Iglar |
30 January 2004, 7 pm
Opening by LR Dr. Elisabeth Zanon-zur Nedden, of the Tyrolean’s government office for cultural affairs
Hemma Schmutz, art historian, will speak about the exhibition
The three rooms with
video works created between 2000 and 2002 constitute the central part
of the exhibition with the title Florian Pumhösl
and Development. The installations "Lac Mantasoa" (2000),
"Proposal for a Space with More Than One Video Projection" (2001) and
"Village, Museum" (2002) document characteristic urban planning and
architectural designs from modernization projects that have been
carried out in East and south-eastern Africa since the mid-19th
century. The stages of modernization selected here all represent
developments that most certainly took place concurrently in the western
industrial nations, albeit following a very different course.
"Lac Mantasoa" depicts
the state of an industrial town from the mid-19th century in
Madagascar. "Proposal..." shows urban spaces in Uganda that were
designed by Ernst May, the leading representative of modern German
architecture, when the British were colonizing the country in the
mid-20th century. "Village, Museum" examines the socialist initiatives
in post-colonial Tanzania under Julius Nyerere from the 1970s on. The
various stages of Pumhösl's videographic-architectural tale
all share the fact that they can be understood as alternative,
non-narrative notations of historical processes. Visuality and space
are the central themes but at the same time the core of these
narratives could also be read as the result of political processes.
What is striking about
Pumhösl's works on the process and structure of different
manifestations of modernization is that as documentary practice based
on research they are not meant to be understood as a contrast to
aesthetic production or visual grammar. The artist is interested in the
structures and the ideas that have ultimately radically changed the
paradigms of urban planning and of the mass media.
Bringing together works
from the past four years, the exhibition "Growth and Development"
sounds out those spaces that are located between
the formats, forms and historizations of modernization. It illustrates
the links between social and aesthetic formations as well as the
irreconciliability of archives, effectivity and representation.
Pumhösl, born 1971, lives and works in Vienna.
Florian Pumhösl
Wachstum und Entwicklung
Ed. Galerie im
Contributions by Silvia Eiblmayr, Florian Pumhösl, Juliane
Rebentisch, Georg Schöllhammer (German/English)
Revolver – Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, Frankfurt a.
Main 2004
95 p., 13 images
€ 15.-
ISBN 3-937577-18-1
and catalogue presentation
Pumhösl, Growth and Development: Madagaskar 1839, Uganda 1945,
Tanzania 1976 Friday, February 27, 2004, 7 p.m.
Exhibitions and
projects by Florian Pumhösl (selection):
Kunstverein, CENTRAL-Kunstpreis, Biennale Lyon (2003)
"Form Specific", Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana (2003)
"Individual Systems", 50th Biennale Venezia, Venice (2003)
Manifesta 4, Frankfurt am Main (2002)
"Design für die wirkliche Welt", Generali Foundation, Vienna
Yokohama Triennale (2001)
Galerie Krobath Wimmer (2001)
"Humanistische und ökologische Republik", Secession (2000)
"Covering the Room", Salzburger Kunstverein (1998)
"On or off the Earth", Grazer Kunstverein (1997)
im Taxispalais Maria-Theresien-Str. 45 A-6020 Innsbruck
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 11-18, Do 11-20 Uhr LeseRAUM:
Di-Sa 11-18, Do 11-20 Uhr
T 0512/508-3172, -3173 F 508-3175 taxis.galerie@tirol.gv.at |