19, 2005 to January 15, 2006
Martin Walde, "Strangerhair", 2003
Martin Walde, "Cryonic Summer", 1996 |
Friday, November 18, 2005, 6 p.m.
connection with the opening of the Martin Walde exhibition the
Innsbrucker Premierentage, 6 p.m. will be opened.
Opening Dr. Elisabeth
Zanon, head of the Tyrolean government’s office for cultural
Hilde Zach, mayor of Innsbruck
Walde, 6:30 p.m.
Exhibition will be opened by Dr. Elisabeth Zanon
Introduction to the exhibition by Dr. Annelie Pohlen, art historian and
critic, Bonn
Martin Walde, an artist
who adopts an all-round approach to the media, is interested in
triggering processes regarding both material and form as well as our
action, our experiences and our thinking. Walde is after a
phenomenology of change, which he seeks out in very everday situations,
e.g., in the public space of a city. He also stages change within the
structural givens of the artwork itself the material of which can then
be transformed chemically or physically like in an experiment. This
also happens when he integrates people in the artwork as well in a
variety of different ways, letting them become an interactive part of
the artistic scenario – sometimes also by offering
instructions for action.
In two rooms of the
Galerie im Taxispalais, Walde will present an overview of his
photographic work. There will be a series featuring images of states
resulting from interventions, a transformation of the normal. To quote
Walde, they depict “phenomena which were briefly taken away
from our world and returned in a changed form, as, for instance, a
watery foam that was stabilized.”
A further series, the "Enactments", are
photographs the artist has taken in urban zones, e.g., inside of a
subway, the platform of a station or a street. In these pictures, Walde
adds the drawing of a scene that he experienced here live –
someone committing suicide on the edge of a platform or a woman lying
on the pavement. These drawings are added after the act but as a
testimonial they trigger a real often frightful situation.
For the other rooms of
the Galerie Martin Walde developed space-filling
“complexes” that are neither sculpture, object nor
installation. They can be described as a “performative
(inter)action” which allows the visitor to be a part of the
development and transformation of the piece. The hall on the basement
floor will be used as a production forum for "NOFF #4
(Nature’s Own Flexible Facsimile)". Under the
supervision of a specially trained person, the public can use the
available instruments and material to create an artwork, a constantly
growing “sculpture” consisting of malleable plastic.
In a different room, in
the middle of which stands a huge table, Walde offers a "Teaset"
in an exchange for something – both on location at the
exhibition and by means of the Internet, via his e-mail address. He
wants to get rid of the teaset but the conditions for the exchange
– by no means involving money – are as the artist
himself admits “not so easy” so he just waits for
the right offer.
Apart from two
additional space-specific installation pieces, one with video, Walde
has put together a performance for the opening evening with the title "The
Thin Red Line". A young woman carries a ball of wool,
which she continues to wind. While doing this she asks passers-by in a
quiet, monotonous voice for a small item, personal things that she
integrates into the ball of wool. An innocuous act becomes a challenge
in which private and public aspects intermingle, in which obsession and
ritual suddenly break into the normative social contact and the form of
interactivity also literally gives way to new
“entanglements” or networks.
Martin Walde
was born in Innsbruck in 1957; he lives and works in Vienna.
Martin Walde, "NOFF #4 (2001)", Installation Galerie im Taxispalais,
photo: Rainer Iglar
Martin Walde,
"The Thin Red Line (2003)", Aktion, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck,
2005, photo: Julia Schulz |
Martin Walde will speak about his work.
Thursday, January 12, 2006, 7 p.m.
Martin Walde
Ed. Silvia Eiblmayr, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck; Sabine Schaschl, Kunsthaus Baselland
Contributions by Rainer
Metzger, Annelie Pohlen und Jens Asthoff and a talk between Sabine
Schaschl and Martin Walde (German/English)
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne 2007
224 pp., app. 120 ill.
€ 19,-
ISBN: 978-86560-272-5
An edition will be published on the
occasion of the exhibition
Edition Martin Walde, Nov. 2005
Edition of 70, silicon object
# 1–25 € 250,-
# 26–70 € 290,-
im Taxispalais Maria-Theresien-Str. 45 A-6020 Innsbruck
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 11-18, Do 11-20 Uhr LeseRAUM:
Di-So 11-18, Do 11-20 Uhr
T +43/512/508-3172, -3173 F 508-3175 taxis.galerie@tirol.gv.at |